زیست شناسی::
نانوامولسیون کاتیونی
NL10-CNE 1 mM, stored at 4 °C OZ Biosciences, Marseille, France
Ecotransfect, NL124, Dogtor-Cationic nano emulsion (DOGCNE), and NL10-cationic nano emulsion (NL10-CNE).
50 μl of NL124/DOG-CNE/NL10-CNE in a dropwise
RepRNA molecules for 20 min at RT (or 1 h at 4 °C for DOGCNE and NL10-CNE based complexes).
NL124, DOG-CNE, and NL10-CNE do not require to be
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران